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 the greatest man wherever,whenever.......

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7th class
7th class

Posts : 57
Join date : 2009-09-13
Age : 31
Location : Egypt,cairo

the greatest man wherever,whenever....... Empty
PostSubject: the greatest man wherever,whenever.......   the greatest man wherever,whenever....... EmptyTue Sep 22, 2009 1:54 pm

When, after repeated efforts of conciliation had utterly failed, circumstances arose that dragged him into the battlefield purely in self-defense, the prophet of Islam changed the whole strategy of the battlefield. The total number of casualties in all the wars that took place during his lifetime, when the whole Arabian Peninsula came under his banner, does not exceed a few hundreds in all. He taught the Arab barbarians to pray, to pray not individually, but in congregation to God Almighty even amidst the dust and storm of warfare. Whenever the time for prayer came - and it comes five times every day - the congregational prayer had not to be abandoned or even postponed. A party had to be engaged in bowing their heads before God while another was engaged with the enemy. After finishing the prayers, the two parties had to exchange their positions.

In an aged of barbarism, the Battlefield itself was humanized and strict instructions were issued not to embezzle, not to cheat, not to break trust, not to mutilate, not to kill a minor child or a woman or an old man, not to hew down date palm nor burn it, not to cut down a fruit tree, not to molest monks and persons engaged in worship. His own treatment of his bitterest enemies was the noblest example for his followers. At the conquest of Mecca, he stood at the zenith of his power. The city which had tortured him and his followers, which had driven him and his people into exile and which had unrelentingly persecuted and boycotted him even when he had taken refuge in a place more than 200 miles away, that city now lay at his feet. By the laws of war he could have justly avenged all the cruelties inflicted on him and his people. But what treatment did he meet out to them? Mohamed's heart overflowed with the milk of love and kindness as he declared, "This day, there is no reproof against you and you are all free."
and here is a video for loving mohamed (PBUH)

and here is a video answering the question (did islam spread by sword??)
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the greatest man wherever,whenever.......
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