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 the muslim women's dress (Hejab)

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the muslim women's dress (Hejab) Empty
PostSubject: the muslim women's dress (Hejab)   the muslim women's dress (Hejab) EmptySat Sep 19, 2009 8:45 am

i can't say more than that site but the most interesting thing the last topic which i will post

1,900 raped every day in America

Washington: Nearly 1,900 women are raped every day in America, according to a study released on Thursday that paints a much grimmer picture than US Justice Department figures announced earlier this week.

The National Victim Center, which promotes the rights of victims of violent crime, said 1.3 adult women are raped every minute and 683,000 US women are raped each year, based on a survey of more that 4,000 women, including 579 rape victims.

One in eight adult American women has been raped, bringing the total of rape victims to at least 12.1 million, it said.

The survey indicated that 61 per cent of all rape cases involve women under 18 and that 29 percent of all rapes occurred when the victim was less than 11 years old. Reuters (Source: MID-DAY Bombay 25-4-92)
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the muslim women's dress (Hejab) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the muslim women's dress (Hejab)   the muslim women's dress (Hejab) EmptySat Sep 19, 2009 11:03 pm

Since i am a women, i would say this, with all due respect, one cannot say that rape are rare in arabic countries. Since under shariah laws (shafie) , one needs to have four witness to prove she has been raped and the four witness must be good people. If someone is raping some one they don't come out in the open and rape people in front of witness and one male witness equals two female witness . Mostly it is due to pressure of society where rape victims remain silent since they may be blamed for the rape.

I forgot where i read this story, it was in Arab where a girl said that a man rape her, the judge decided she put herself in a position to be rape, therefore it seems that women should just stay locked and cooped up in the house. Of course, i do remember the rapist being a rich and powerful person may have influenced the decision but to say the clothes prevent some one from being rape is actually unfair. It sounds as though you agree to women being raped to force them to submit ( I know you don't Very Happy)

( just read the best answer cause the others are not answering mostly bashing)

since in middle east this things are happening which are much more violent as american and british rape victims can come out in the open to accuse their rapist that's why the statistics are higher, while middle east rape victims remain silent, how can you say there are less cases?? it's not fair to compare it like that.
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the muslim women's dress (Hejab) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the muslim women's dress (Hejab)   the muslim women's dress (Hejab) EmptySun Sep 20, 2009 1:13 am

"Since i am a women, i would say this, with all due respect, one cannot say that rape are rare in arabic countries."

yes it is not rare .

"Since under shariah laws (shafie) , one needs to have four witness to prove she has been raped and the four witness must be good people"

because you can't accuse someone of any thing without evidence.....((and every criminal leave an evidence))
even in america cannot accuse some one of raping without an evidence .....and what you say not the only way technologies are used to know ,

"Mostly it is due to pressure of society where rape victims remain silent since they may be blamed for the rape. "

I totaly agree with you .. the society the people not the religion ..and i also think ..
if you asked a man in America would you marry a raped woman ..what will he say...Question
the problems in the people ...

"the judge decided she put herself in a position to be rape"..

.i can't believe that...i think it is a fake story by Internet Users as usual to attract more people to sites
i will tell you some thing family (my mother and two sisters) are not locked at home they go to thier works and school.....and Islam doesn't say that the only role of woman to stay at home to avoid being the way i will not go out of home to avoid stealing lol!

"to say the clothes prevent some one from being rape".......
.in a certain prevent...
for example:::::
..if i get the most beautiful Gem and covered it...and put beside an ordinary gem or gold uncovered ..which will attract you ...and make you look at ..and attract you attention .... !!!..

the look is the start ......then the thinking and imagining if i can have this and do.........,........,..... ,,,,, then talking to his friends have you seen .....,....,....
and then planing to do what he imagined
so islam by this cut one of the ways of rape start

Some of the Reasons::

1- bad Ethics: and this is a serious problem that starts from the bringing up ..if the boy in a religious calm home .. that teach him to Love GOD....and get nearer to him .... by praying,...., ... i say that he will by 98% a good man
2-unemployment: a BIG Big problem in many countries is Instinct take part by marriage..and ..if you don't have money to marry and make the family of your dreams surly you will be stressed.....i am not saying that raping is reasonable at any circumstance ...but i am saying the stress ..and the far and near resons
3-porn sites:also one of the problems that attract and destroy people ..which are away from GOD

THE Solution:::
By following Islam ....
1- if every mother or father ..bring up thier children as islam say...
2-if every girl learn that her body is only for her husband .... not for people to look at and be seduced by
3-if every president see his people and provide them with work ...and nice living...because God will ask him what he had done with people he ruled as islam said
4-if internet servers doesn't host porn and sex sites
5-if every man isn't above the law ...and can't scape with his islam orders
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the muslim women's dress (Hejab) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the muslim women's dress (Hejab)   the muslim women's dress (Hejab) EmptySun Sep 20, 2009 1:30 am

hey , sandy my friend just answered u in a very nice way but let me tell u something that he couldn't see it .............

sharia law is right cuzif i go to the government and say that u r raped girl would u like to be believed and u r innocent
and in the other way if u r raped and forced and want this guy to be punished that will be solved by science and it will prove if u really raped or not .

about sharia law.......
it states that we need four men as witnesses not in raping that is another issues i think u mix up things
this issue when u see two r doing sin and they r not married then u need 4 witnesses to prove that
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the muslim women's dress (Hejab) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the muslim women's dress (Hejab)   the muslim women's dress (Hejab) EmptySun Sep 20, 2009 10:38 am


2. The judge decision, i read it in the newspapers, not the internet

3. I agree there are women who abuse their rights and cry wolf at being rape to harm men.

4. I agree porn, poverty and lack of education are other causes of rape. Mainly porn Twisted Evil

2. WITNESS ( This is one of the major talking points regarding shariah laws and protest against its implementation) : Of course, many rape victims can't produce witness, who would rape someone in front of other people?? A plague in my country is grandfathers and stepfathers who rape their daughters and grandaughter ( mainly muslim who do this incest ) And i am sure they are wearing hijab ( it's called tudung here) for the teenage daughters who got rape by their stepfathers. . Their fathers or grandpa tells them since they are men in family, they must adhere to their wishes ( twisted ) It's almost monthly news. Only when the victims are pregnant or their teachers notice it, the news come out. Once a month which is buried in the back of newspaper ( I wonder why ). The internet does not have this news since the media seems hush hush. You cannot find this in the internet since it's hushed up and not made into a big media news.

5. About the four witness, then maybe you should explain to me what happens to Muslim women when she is raped and she reports the case?? Procedures?? What must she produced to prove it?? Under the shariah law ?? Witness is rare rare rare. And you did not say i am wrong when one male witness equals two females? Seems there is real inequality here.

Out of point of topic but you are using rape to justify women's choice of clothing, well then it's going to veered of towards rape of women
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the muslim women's dress (Hejab) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the muslim women's dress (Hejab)   the muslim women's dress (Hejab) EmptySun Sep 20, 2009 1:49 pm

100% agree with you........
like stealing is wrong and not justified..but their are thieves
but we have to say why fight things that may lead to this....

"2. The judge decision, i read it in the newspapers, not the internet"
News papers like to make a show to sell ....and if that is true the judge have done the worst thing in the world ever ....
and we cannot judge Muslims by these man

If a christian man rape a women ....then all the christian men are bad Exclamation

"4. I agree porn, poverty and lack of education are other causes of rape. Mainly porn "

100% agree

"many rape victims can't produce witness, who would rape someone in front of other people"

Islam take by the latest technologies ...not only witnesses ,witnesses is a small part of the point ..... and by the way not four witness as you say you are mixing things......

Ok i will ask you if a someone were living 100 years could he be accused of rape without an evidence of witness ((saying agin not four witnesses as you say even one witness))..and at those days their wasn't a great progress in medical examination .. Exclamation ..Islam talk to people according to their knowledge at that day ...and Islam also said that we have to take with science in our life ..and encouraged it ...

For example
you can't get a man from the past ages for example 100 year ago and talk to him about the DNA ...or about super sonic airplanes lol!

"mainly muslim who do this incest"
cannot agree, it only what you think ,you know that thier is about 1,300,000000 million Muslim in the world ......
and in every religion their is people who don't follow it.......but media stress on what it wants
for Example :
*WHEN America entered Iraq saying that it have totla destruction weapons ...the media which controlled by the amiricans showed Iraq as the greatest thread in the world ..and it is going to destroy it .........
now when america cann't find total destruction weapons ...... Exclamation
*when i see in the arab tv that american soldiers making bad sexual thing in abo grieb prison ....and the American and European media didn't stress why!!! ...because media really is a great weapon more than the atomic bombs as it plays with minds and thoughts

the muslim women's dress (Hejab) Nor2510a
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the muslim women's dress (Hejab) IraqPOWS

only 3 pic i have about 100 .....

" . Their fathers or grandpa tells them since they are men in family, they must adhere to their wishes ( twisted ) It's almost monthly news"

lol! this is nooooooooooot in Islam i am really feeling bad that you mad your opinion about Islam by this way not by going to see normal people and common ...always stress on bad people .

"when she is raped and she reports the case?? Procedures?? What must she produced to prove it?? "
shari3a say to take by technology and medical examinations and witnesses if thier is and not be closed on our selves ...First read the hadeth an quran...and make you opinion about Islam


1-she go to the police station
then the procedures are known
get that man accused ..
if thier is witnesses get them ..then
the girl will be applied to medical examination...
like what is done In USA ...and europe and,
in Islam the if am man is accused and after the examination they know that he is the criminal ..the penalty is death
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the muslim women's dress (Hejab) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the muslim women's dress (Hejab)   the muslim women's dress (Hejab) EmptySun Sep 20, 2009 2:47 pm

wonderful my friend sandy i hope u understand Very Happy

thanks my friend cheers
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the muslim women's dress (Hejab) Empty
PostSubject: Re: the muslim women's dress (Hejab)   the muslim women's dress (Hejab) EmptySun Sep 20, 2009 9:31 pm

mohamed.mostafa wrote:

[size=18]"mainly muslim who do this incest"


I think you misunderstood this part of my point. NOT ALL MUSLIM. But IN MY COUNTRY Look my country and I stressed .......... Very Happy Incest was done by Muslim men from villages especially raping their grandaughter ( Not everywhere). You cut of part of my sentence as though i was generalizing. That's not right!! Just to clear the air.

We have no death sentence here, mainly ten to twenty years jail .
Crying or Very sad

But with all due respect, we will all agree that clothes, education, poverty and porn all contributes to rape cases. And the hijab ( call a tudung( you should check out Malaysian tudung fashion) )here is your religious belief and nobody should stop someone from practising their believes. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: the muslim women's dress (Hejab)   the muslim women's dress (Hejab) EmptyMon Sep 21, 2009 8:33 pm

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