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 about the glory of our prophet (puh)

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7th class
7th class

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about the glory of our prophet (puh) Empty
PostSubject: about the glory of our prophet (puh)   about the glory of our prophet (puh) EmptyFri Sep 18, 2009 10:55 pm

Mohamed If for instance, greatness consist in the purification of a nation, steeped in barbarism and immersed in absolute moral darkness, that dynamic personality who has transformed, refined and uplifted an entire nation, sunk low as the Arabs were, and made them the torch-bearers of civilizations and learning, has every claim to that greatness. If greatness lies in unifying the discordant elements of society by the ties of brotherhood and charity, the prophet of the desert has got every title to this distinction. If greatness consists in reforming those warped in a degrading superstition and pernicious practices of every kind, the Prophet of Islam has wiped out superstitions and irrational fear from the hearts of millions. If it lies in displaying high morals, Mohamed has been admitted by friend and foes as Al-Amin, and As-Sadiq, the trustworthy and faithful. If a conqueror is a great man, here is a person who rose from helpless orphan and a humble creature to be the ruler of Arabia, the equal of Khosros and Caesars, one who founded a great empire that has survived all these 14 centuries. If the devotion that a leader commands is the criterion of greatness, the prophet's name even today exerts a magic charm over millions of souls, spread all over the world.

He had not studied philosophy in the school of Athens or Rome, Persia, India, or China; yet, he could proclaim the highest truths of eternal value to mankind. Unlettered himself, he could yet speak with an eloquence and fervor which moved men to tears of ecstasy. Born an orphan and blessed with no worldly goods, he was loved by all. He had studied at no military academy; yet he could organize his forces against tremendous odds and gained victories through the moral forces, which he marshaled. Gifted men with a genius for preaching are rare. Descartes included the perfect preacher among the rarest kind in the world. Hitler in his 'Mein Kamp' has expressed a similar view. He says: "A great theorist is seldom a great leader. An Agitator is far more likely to posses these qualities. He will always be a better leader. For, leadership means the ability to move masses of men. The talent to produce ideas has nothing in common with capacity for leadership." But, he says, "The Union of theorists, organizer and leader in one man, is the rarest phenomenon on this earth; Therein consists greatness." In the person of the Prophet of Islam the world has seen this rarest phenomenon on the earth, walking in flesh and blood.

And more wonderful still is what the reverend Bosworth Smith remarks: "Head of the state as well as the Church, he was Caesar and Pope in one; but, he was pope without the pope's pretensions, and Caesar without the legions of Caesar, without an standing army, without a bodyguard, without a police force, without a fixed revenue. If ever a man had the right to say that he ruled by a right divine, it was Mohamed, for he had all the powers without their supports. He cared not for the dressings of power. The simplicity of his private life was in keeping with his public life."
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