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 the difference between sunni and shia

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7th class
7th class

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the difference between sunni and shia Empty
PostSubject: the difference between sunni and shia   the difference between sunni and shia EmptyThu Sep 17, 2009 8:34 pm

let us show the difference between sunni and shia .......

1-There is a difference in believe in prophet the sunni believe that prophet mohamed (puh) is the true prophet while the shia belive that the prophet was ali bn abi taleb he is mohamed (puh) cousin and by the way the most acceptable is that mohamed (puh) is the prophet and this is believed by maximum of muslims.

2-At the age of prophet mohamed there r hassan and hussien they were prophet mohamed (puh) grandchildren and they were killed in one of the wars and shia think they r the reason of killing them so they go out to streets at the day they were killed and they start to cut themselves but sunni don't as they believe that is fate and only god who control fate.

3-as the last point i must give evidences here is some pics u can see how shia cut themselves
the difference between sunni and shia Get-9-2009-Giantup_CoM_44h4pzcw
the difference between sunni and shia Get-9-2009-Giantup_CoM_ferlsfl5
note:all of this not mean that i hate those people but their believes r wrong and also i like to show the difference between sunni and shia that is to all non-muslims.
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the difference between sunni and shia Empty
PostSubject: Re: the difference between sunni and shia   the difference between sunni and shia EmptyThu Sep 17, 2009 10:10 pm

1. It's really strange about the difference , if if Muhammad is not the prophet and ali bin talib is, the what holy books do Shia follow??

2. If they believe he is not the Prophet and someone else is, why should they believe the teachings Muhammad brought?? I mean it sounds contradictory??

3. Is it right to hurt themselves like that??
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7th class
7th class

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Age : 31
Location : Egypt,cairo

the difference between sunni and shia Empty
PostSubject: Re: the difference between sunni and shia   the difference between sunni and shia EmptyThu Sep 17, 2009 10:27 pm

here u r...
1-of course the quraan,but this holy book is not from mohamed (puh) the quraan is from allah and it is consider to be orders and informations about life before and after islam.

2-they don't follow the rules of mohamed sorry i forget to mentioned it they change some rules to comfort them.

3-of course they did and the pictures say that i swear that is their own blood.

u r welcome i am in u r service cheers
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